Today I am going to be giving my final book review for the best sci-fi trilogy that I have ever read! Yay! So this book picks up where Time of Treason left off, the gang is now in space, trying to survive the aliens that are after them. Riley and Alec are like the BEST couple, Darius is okay, Tyrell is pretty cool. All of the characters are the kind that will murder anyone who gets in their way, and rightfully so because its space, and anyone can betray you to get what they want. I love how this book keeps you on your toes and anxiously anticipating what will happen next. I loved the uniqueness of all the aliens that they encountered, and the fight scenes were *chefs kiss*.
I loved the character development in this story, and the ending was really unexpected! It was the kind of ending that was mildly heartbreaking, but all your fav characters are fine so you should be fine too, but they are also dead so you don’t know how to feel? AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH. I did like this. I did. Plot twists around every corner, and unexpected things to find… I really enjoyed reading this trilogy, and it’s bittersweet that it’s come to an end. Have I mentioned that the ending was really unexpected and original? Highly recommend if you are looking for your next sci-fi read, I LOVE this trilogy!!