Community Agreement
How we succeed together.
No matter who you are, where you come from, or the role you play, all Digitally Lit team members have the right to respectful and kind interactions within our programs.
We build our community together... which means each individual has a responsibility to their teammates and to Digitally Lit as a whole. All team members will be held accountable for their actions in both online and offline space. Additionally, the team can only function if all members respect each other's time. We pledge to complete responsibilities by agreed-upon deadlines and clearly communicate our work-related needs. Anyone who is having trouble completing work to expectations should reach out to core Digitally Lit staff to adjust their work plan.
Digitally Lit is dedicated to diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging. It is our aim to see a more representative, equitable and accessible arts and media landscape in Atlantic Canada. To this regard, all Digitally Lit participants pledge to engage others with understanding, openness, and deep respect. We pledge to recognize how our own social positionality informs our perspectives and to respect, and honour, identities and lived experiences that differ from our own. We pledge to consider intersectionalities, and to view mistakes and discomfort as opportunities for growth and understanding. We pledge to reflect on our intentions while prioritizing impact.
Since much of this project takes place online, all team members are expected to represent the team safely and respectfully in online spaces, including social media. If a team member feels unsafe at any point, it is important to ensure their concerns are communicated to core staff. An issue one person is having may well be something others are experiencing as well.
All Digitally Lit team members are expected to honour and uphold the Community Agreement through the duration of their involvement in the project. Meanwhile, as we move through the project, this Community Agreement may be altered to reflect ongoing conversations within the team on how to build a more caring and inclusive work community.