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Time of Treason

Time of Treason

Picking up right where Edge of Time left off, Time of Treason continues the story of Riley and Alec, otherwise normal teens whose special genetic traits grant them powers they are only now learning to control – powers that also make them targets for the extraterrestrial Tyons.

Riley and Alec have traveled back in time to the start of their adventures, courtesy of Alec’s creepy time shifting abilities. But instead of fixing things, it’s made everything much worse. The Tyons have tracked their time shift and are hot on their heels, and Rhozan is back, more dangerous than ever. After a brazen attack, Alec finds himself out of the frying pan and definitely into the fire.

Can Riley save him? Or is Alec just a pawn of time?

Author: Susan M. MacDonald
Genre: Young Adults
Dimensions: 12 × 8 × 2 in
Weight: 1 kg
Published: April 15, 2014
ISBN: 978-1-55081-471-2

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average rating is 4.7 out of 5, based on 3 votes, book lovers sharing their thoughts

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Saint John NB

average rating is 5 out of 5

Time Published

Time of Treason Book Review

So as I said from Edge of Time, this is a GREAT sci-fi series, and I love how they do all that fancy time travel stuff and run from bad guys. I found the characters had a lot of… well, character, and they were really fun to read about because they were exactly what teenagers would be like if teenagers were on the run from power hungry evil aliens that want to take over the world! (okay I think that wins for the longest sentence I’ve ever written) I DID find that characters a teensie bit stereotypical though, the all powerful main character who everyone wants to kill, the skeptical/sarcastic one, the pretty boy who wins over every girl in sight… but then I figured that those characters make for the best stories! Yay! Anyway, I liked how they traveled back in time, but they didn’t go back to fix anything, and actually just made it x100 worse? Like, I would expect that they would go back and fix stuff but they didn’t! And since no one likes a predictable book, I loved that!

I recommend this book.

Oliver Hallett


Newfoundland and Labrador

average rating is 4 out of 5

Time Published

Time of Treason

While I didn't enjoy it as much as the first - most likely due to minor grievances piling up and the dreaded middle book syndrome - I'm still very interested in seeing where the third book goes.

I recommend this book.

Kaylee Harding


Nova Scotia

average rating is 5 out of 5

Time Published

Time of Treason

It's definitely one of those books that keeps you on your toes, always new plot twists popping up. It was definitely a hard book to put down, I just wanted to keep reading! I love the way she characterizes the characters, their personalities are incredible. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who likes action/fantasy novels. In fact, I'd recommend the whole series to anyone who would have the chance to read it!

I recommend this book.