Bone Beds of the Badlands Book Review
Bone Beds of the Badlands is the 3rd book in the Dylan Maples Adventure Series. I’m really just bingeing this series. It’s really good. As you probably know. So with this book I really enjoyed the fast pacing that came with it. It was a good buildup to the action, and it all starts when Dylan and his besties win a science fair with this mechanical life size T-Rex thing they “built”. (It was actually their dads who built it for them, but you don’t need to know that 😉). So Dylan wins, obviously because how can you NOT win after submitting a real life T-Rex to a science fair, and they get to go on a science trip to Alberta. Specifically to the town of Drumheller, where there is a dangerous killer on the loose who is wanted all over Canada. So everyone is freaking out and stuff because like “it’s not safe there’s a murderer on there loose” and this guy is called “The Reptile” and he’s like 7th tall and wears really big shoes. I think this was a really nice book, it had me anticipating what was going to come next, and it was very fast paced. I just kinda wish that it was a little bit longer, because it was really short. All of these novels are bite sized. But I enjoyed this mini adventure and can’t wait for another one.
I guess that’s all I wanted to pop in to say. Yep. Bye bye 😀