Fredericton, New Brunswick
A Wonderful Glimpse of Fashion and Costume Design History
Transatlantique -The Art of Fashion and Costume Design in Paris and Halifax by the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia represents the history of costume design and compares them to two prominent cities, respective of their own country. A special spotlight given to George Barbier, eight pictures of fashion works in the exhibition were printed on high-quality paper for those who choose to use them as posters or to possibly frame them. Through thoughtful essays, the book steps into the glitz and glam of costume design.
The detailed essays in this book were very helpful in understanding the whole process of costume design. By the writing, you can tell that all the authors had dedicated a lot of their time towards this book, to make it a smooth journey when read. I enjoyed the pause that you get after pages of long texts of just costume designs, it gave the reader a chance to breathe and process all the information while also connecting it with the designs displayed. It truly felt like a time machine back into history, with many historical references. With some bonus information on Journal des dames et des modes and Costumes Parisiens. Yet it never felt like an overload of information, it was always detailed to the right extent. It’s a unique book to help you connect fashion trends now and what you can see in the future.
My favourite part was just looking back at all the designs and noticing all the details that were mentioned in the text along with visually seeing the evolution of costume design in Paris and Halifax. Each design was a snapshot of the elements of fashion in Nova Scotia and truly captured its beauty. The pictures were living throughout the book with their bright colours, shapes, and presence. Some of my favourite looks in the book are:
• “George Barbier, Les Fureurs du Tango, 1919”
• “Robert Doyle, Gypsy in Tessie’s dress : Gypsy, 197”
• “Robert Doyle, House of Pryor, 1984”
• “Robert Doyle, Julia: The Lucky Chance, 1994”
• “Robert Doyle, House of Pryor, 1985”
Overall, I give this book 5/5 stars, for its exceptional balance between art and text. The illustrations are so beautiful and authentic giving you a glimpse into what fashion was like. I recommend this book for all art and fashion lovers or just anyone who wants to learn more about costume design in Halifax or Paris.