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The Gunsmith's Daughter

The Gunsmith's Daughter

1971. Lilac Welsh lives an isolated life with her parents at Rough Rock on the Winnipeg River. Her father, Kal, stern and controlling, has built his wealth by designing powerful guns and ammunition. He’s on the cusp of producing a .50 calibre assault rifle that can shoot down an airplane with a single bullet, when a young stranger named Gavin appears at their door, wanting to meet him before enlisting for the war in Vietnam. Gavin’s arrival sparks an emotional explosion in Lilac’s home and inspires her to begin her own life as a journalist, reporting on the war that’s making her family rich.


The Gunsmith’s Daughter is both a coming-of-age story and an allegorical novel about Canada-US relations. Psychologically and politically astute, and gorgeously written, Margaret Sweatman’s portrait of a brilliant gunsmith and his eighteen-year-old daughter tells an engrossing story of ruthless ambition, and one young woman’s journey toward independence.

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Nova Scotia

average rating is 5 out of 5

Time Published

Gunsmith’s Daughter

The Gunsmith's Daughter was written by renowned author Margaret Sweatman. The information about the character, Lilac's life and the lives of those around her is enthralling. Thanks to Margets' complex writing style, the plot makes me feel as if I emerged through the novel as I observe the story of these profoundly formed characters. This amazing novel combines adventure and historical fiction. I found it quite difficult to let go of this book. I particularly liked the questions it gave to the reader (a.k.a me) as I read since it talks about history in a truthful blunt way.
I wholeheartedly suggest this book to anyone who likes historical fiction or who simply wants to curl up with a good book and read all day.

I recommend this book.



Nova Scotia

average rating is 5 out of 5

Time Published

My Indian

My Indian tells the narrative of William Epps Cormack, who enlisted the help of a guide to bring him across Newfoundland in pursuit of the island's last remaining Beothuk encampment. Cormak writes about his encounters throughout the way, but simply refers to his guide as "My Indian."
My Indian was a great novel. Because of the knowledge it provides to readers, I thought this book was fantastic. Understanding how the indigenous peoples would travel across the country in search of food, other communities, and ways to live. The knowledge about First Nations and their cultural practices that this book provided was my favorite part of it. Overall, I recommend this book to anyone who likes historical fiction, Native American history, or simply wants to learn more.

I recommend this book.



St. John's, Newfoundland

average rating is 5 out of 5

Time Published

The Gunsmith's Daughter

The Gunsmith’s Daughter by Margaret Sweatman is an incredibly compelling novel and a great piece of historical fiction.
The research and care are clear in the writing, making Lilac’s story and the stories of those around her all the more impactful. I found the writing style very engrossing, making this book a hard one to put down. I also appreciate how unflinchingly honest it is in the history it presents and the questions it asks.
Lilac’s journey was very gripping, and she’s a well rounded, complex lead. I felt for her many, many times throughout her growth, and I found the progression of her character arc to be especially well done.
I definitely recommend checking this book out if you’re a fan of historical fiction, and I also think it’s a great novel to pick up for those looking for honest and emotionally complex coming-of-age stories.

I recommend this book.



Salisbury NB

average rating is 5 out of 5

Time Published

The Gunsmiths Daughter

Book review!!

The Gunsmith’s Daughter was an incredibly well written novel that I’m so happy I got the chance to read! I got this book as an ARC (advanced reader copy) for being a #youthambassador with @digitally_lit ! #freebook

This book had amazing details and very amazing writing! I loved the character development and how I felt like I could connect with all the characters. This was a compelling coming of age/ adventure/ historical fiction that I could not put down. Even though I don’t usually like historical fictions this was incredible!

I loved Lilac drive for independence and how she acted. She reminded me of myself and I think that’s why I liked her so much. This book is unique and has a very interesting plot. I’d say if you like strong independent characters and/or love a good historical fiction this is definitely the book for you!

P.S this book is now published so you can go pick up your copy at your local bookstore!! @gooselane

I recommend this book.