Emily Hunter (emilys_island_library)
Bodies and Sole is a killer book!
Bodies and Sole, an Acorn Press book by Hilary MacLeod, is one an amazing read. Having been the first book I have read from Acorn press, it sets a very good impression, and this author has quite a few other similar books in the "shore mystery" category, so they are now all definitely on my must read list.
A newcomer on the shores, Vera Gloom, is raising suspicions in the community, with her suspected three ex-husbands living with her. Not many have ever saw the husbands, only catching glimpses, and Vera herself doesn't leave the house often either. Everyone in the town has their own guesses as to what's going on in Vera's home, but when Hy McAllister gets suspicious, she wants answers. Once husband number four has been brought back, Hy decides to take matters into her own hands, and get answers once and for all.
I absolutely loved this book. The writing style, like the descriptors and how the story progressed was right up my alley. I thought this book was worth a 5 star review. The plot is very catching, and the characters are quite easy to get attached to.
I love that this book has a setting that reminds me so much of home, and the beauty of Prince Edward Island. The way the characters interact, and subtle things like people leaving their doors unlocked all the time is a tell tale sign that Hilary MacLeod knows a thing or two about a small PEI town.